Monday, October 10

3 Sistahs

3 Sistahs

the moon glowed, the earth spun,
last to fall was the sun,
looking to find a rhythm
as the moon soon loved deep,
her beauty made cats get
less sleep, wondering how
closer to her soul they could creep.
wishing to catch a glimpse of her light,
wanting to be lifted
on a higher path to life
asked if they could be her sweet delight.

the moon smiled, the earth tilted,
lacking behind was the sun,
looking to find piece of mind
as the earth birth art pure,
her naturalness made cats forget
to eat, working on
schemes to her dreams they would plot.
hoping to grasp a pinch of her heart,
wanting to be fulfill
to a better level for life
asked if they could be her sweet delight.

the moon winked, the earth shook,
lost in mind was the sun,
looking to find some growth
as the sun shone true shine,
her strength made cats unable
to work, plotting with
words, to her mind they wanted inside.
trying to measure a dose of her worth,
wanting to be taking
through a secret domain for life
asked if they could be her sweet delight.

the moon’s light croon, the earth’s axis pulled,
knowing it was time to strut was the sun,
now along went 3 sistahs proudly,
and easily went 3 sistahs classically,
as so smoothly went 3 sistahs soulfully fine.

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